terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009

Family farming - Agricultura familiar


Patron Saints of NCRLC
National Catholic Rural Life Conference
St. Isidore and St. Maria

Isidore and Maria led virtuous lives: commitment to family, love for the land, service to the poor and a deep spirituality. This simple couple worked their entire lives for a wealthy landowner in medieval Spain. St. Isidore was known for his piety, special love of the downtrodden and a respectful care for animals.

Piety calls for faithfulness to relationships among family, kin, community and society. Piety moves a person to venerate God with generosity and affection, humbly to others and to all of Creation.

Dear God, thank you for rural lives. Bless those who are formed by the rhythms of nature and church. Help us to rejoice in You and each other. Isidore and Maria, pray for us. Amen.

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