sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009




...does not see S. as the magic solution to all of life's problems or those one is unwilling to face ("God will do it for me").

...has a sense of humor and is able to laugh and poke fun at oneself.

...does not employ rituals, like attending church on Sunday, to create a sense of superiority or security.

...does not use S. to avoid intimacy/autonomy/conflict/accountability, or standing on one's own feet; does not use S. to detach from the vulnerability of being human.

...does not look for an all-knowing parent or an authority ready with answers to all problems to escape self-responsibility.

...requires a foundation of personal integrity and honesty based on self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and a willingness to accept reality. marked by wholeness, compassion, openness, humility & respect for others. neither rigorously ascetic nor indulgent with sex, food, money, power, etc. often passionate about life and some project dealing with peace and justice.

...tempers spiritual ambition with imperfect reality of ordinary life.

...does not abandon the need for critical thought and insight.

...holds honesty with oneself as a core value of life, and therefore is committed to regular self-examination.

...refuses all self-elevation and any devaluing of others' paths.

...regards everyone, regardless of differences or status in life as a potential teacher.

...enjoys healthy, warm, loving and game-free relationships.

...views all forms of "specialness" or giftedness as an obstacle to true humility.

...accepts imperfections and flaws of our humanity as instructive and redemptive. seldom isolated from a community of fellow seekers.

...often results in compassionate prayer or action for peace and justice.

...accepts that is often through pain, failure, or crisis that we are brought to a deeper spirituality.

...knows the journey can seldom be taken safely alone without some guide or mentor, even if it is only sacred writing, or still better a person of some experience and wisdom; realizes the danger of religious enthusiasm without a guide.

...recognizes that the spiritual journey is beset with many pitfalls, traps, and illusions and is willing to test one's "leadings" with others.

...does not make an idol out of any religious symbol, object, project, or practice, nor out of one's own religious path.

...must be ready to give witness, but never pass judgment on those whose convictions conflict with our own; seeks the truth and stands for it with passion but never acts as if one has exclusive claim upon truth or morality; may never ever claim that its conviction, however deep, binds the conscience of another.

...knows, really knows, that no moral crisis can ever dispense people of conscience from full respect for the freedom and responsibility of every other conscience.

Critique and suggestions welcomed. 6200 Winchester Rd. Lexington, KY 40509-9520

sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2009

quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009



(...) Comecei logo aí a trabalhar no duro, a dar dias. A seguir fui para a construção da estrada da Sandinha. Tinha aí os meus 14 anos. Andava com um carro de mão a acarretar cascalho. Depois, fui para as minas debaixo do chão, a 150 metros. E eu tinha 16 anos e, por isso, não podia andar nas minas. Mas havia aqui um senhor muito bom (...) e eu pedi-lhe. Ele falou com o encarregado e eu lá fui. Era uma responsabilidade, mas na estrada ganhava 9$50 e lá ganhava 12$50 ao dia. Está a ver, eram mais 3$00 e eu, tumba, lá para baixo! Íamos a pé daqui para a Sandinha. No tempo do Inverno, fazia-se o caminho sempre de noite de manhã e à noite. Tínhamos um gasómetro a carbureto, e a gente enfiáva-o aqui (aponta para o ombro) para nos alumiarmos por esses carreiritos abaixo. Lembro-me de levar a saquita do farnel às costas, um garrucito na cabeça, o gasómetro pendurado ao ombro e, com as mãozitas nos bolsos, tuc...tuc...tuc. Era uma hora e meia a pé para cada lado. E se fôssemos para um escritório! Mas era andar ali com uma picareta e tudo o mais. Agora há máquinas, mas antes era tudo manual. A nossa família, os nossos pais e as raparigas ... as raparigas só as víamos aos Domingos. Era de oito em oito dias. Ainda sou do tempo de se ganhar 5$00, por dia. Quando foi do ciclone, aí em 1940, acartei às costas muitos toros de madeira para queimar e ganhava 2$50, meio dia e 5$00, o dia. A vida aqui era muito ingrata, e ainda havia quem passasse pior. Quando tinha aí 17 anos, fui para Lisboa. (...).
Excerto de entrevista. O protagonista refere-se ao início dos anos quarenta.
Lisete de Matos Agosto, 1997.
in "Dos Objectos para as Pessoas"

sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

Kosmic Address ?

"Another novelty that Ken offers is his idea that, to talk meaningfully about any actuality in the universe, you must first specify what he calls its Kosmic Address, and this you do by identifying the actuality's “altitude” and “perspective.” Indeed, the definition is given by this formula:

Kosmic Address = altitude + perspective

where altitude means level of development and perspective where it is situated in the four quadrants. The address can be made even more specific by also identifying lines, states, and types. Thus: quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types are the basic five elements of any comprehensive or integral map. Using the notation of Integral Math, Ken (on p. 265) gives an example of how to formulate a Kosmic Address:

“For a particular knowing subject (i.e., a holon with quadrants), this might be: researcher John Doe is coming from a 3rd-person perspective (i.e., using Q/3-perspective or it-perspective), altitude Level 5 or orange (L5 or L/o), line/cognitive (l/c), State/gross (S/g), type/masculine (t/m), all of which is (Q/3, L/5, l/c, S/g, t/m). John Doe might be researching (via quadrivia) an object in the LR that possesses a solid state (S/s), clade line homo erectus (symbol: he; thus: l/he), female type (t/f), as it is a member of the global ecosystem, colloquially known as Gaia (whose full contours don't emerge until altitude 8). This might be indicated with the sentence: John Doe (Q/3, L/5, l/c, S/g, t/m) is focusing his attention on female homo erectus in its interaction with Gaia (Q/4, L/8, 1/he, S/s, t/f) Generically, the Kosmic address of this interaction is: Subject(Q/3, L/5, l/c, S/g, t/m) × Object(Q/4, L/8, 1/he, S/s, t/f) . . .”

domingo, 4 de janeiro de 2009

Jesus and Kingdom of God

“What shall I compare the Kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount[i]of flour until it worked all through the dough.”